Hello, and Welcome to our website.
Life-Force Seeds is a family run business in the New England, NSW.
Before Life-Force Seeds we were market gardeners and propagating Heirloom vegetable seedlings for sale at markets and nurseries.
In our market gardens we started saving our own seed, mainly to ensure seed quality for future crops and seedling production. However seed saving became our main focus, we loved it so much the crops in our market garden soon became primarily used for seed production.
Our Gardening Techniques.
We have always been "Organic", intently studying and incorporating Permaculture techniques, with a focus on building soil humus. We don't use any form of controls, poisons or chemicals even if they are certified organic.
We recommend what is called the "Back to Eden" method, incorporated with Hügelkultur beds, sheet mulching & no-dig.
Great resources:
- Back to Eden Gardening Documentary Film
- The Johnson-Su Composting Bioreactor
- Seed to Seed - seed-saving guide
Seed Processing
We grow, harvest and process our seed by hand the old-fashioned way, it is quite tedious and labour intensive, and one must be attentive to nurturing the plants throughout its life cycle from seed-to-seed to ensure seed quality & purity.
We pride our-selves on seed purity and overall vitality and strive to grow and offer the best seed possible.
Seed Packaging
All our seeds are packed in the traditional Tudor No7 seed packets, laser printed and packed in house. Seeds are weighed and sealed in plastic zip-lock bags to ensure seed is protected from moisture.
Our Seed Bank
For seed storage we constructed this earth seed bank designed to keep seed stored at ideal conditions. The earth building with walls up to 40cm thick acts like a cave stabilizing the daily temperature fluctuations and humidity. It is also bug and vermin proof.
To help prolong your seed’s viability, we recommend storing them in an air-tight container in the refrigerator. Heat, temperature fluctuations, and moisture tend to degrade seed viability more readily.
Thank you.....
We pride our-selves on producing and suppling the best seeds possible and feel grateful we can do what we love doing for a living, so thank you to all our customers, we feel honoured you choose Life-Force Seeds. Happy Gardening.
Darren McDonnell
Owner: Life-Force Seeds