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Bean Bush, Black Calypso

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$1.80 AUD
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$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Bush Bean, Black Calypso (Black Ying and Yang)

Good heirloom variety from Mexico. Also called a Ying Yang bean because of the stark contrast of black and white that flows along the bean's length.  Can be eaten either as a young pod or mature bean. It has a silky smooth texture and mild flavour.

Plant type:  Tender Annual

Sow when:  Spring, min. soil temp. 18˚c

Sow where:  Direct

Spacing:  Plants 15-20cm Rows 50cm

Position:  Full sun

Harvest:   50 - 60  days

Seeds per package: 10

Bean Bush Black Calypso - LifeForce Seeds
Bean Bush, Black Calypso


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