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Bean Climbing, Blue Speckled Tepary

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$1.90 AUD
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$1.90 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Bean Climbing, Blue Speckled Tepary (Phaseolus acutifolius)

This rare bean is originally from Mexico and adapted to desert conditions. Quick growing with long roots that reach for moisture...grown in Arizona desert by native Americans, because of its ability to produce a quick, high protein crop.

The growth habit is semi-bush with runners, low growing, small leaf. 

One of the most beautiful seeds to look at, used as a dried soup bean of flour.

Blue Speckled is believed to be of Mayan descent.


Plant Type:  Tender Annual

Sow when:  Spring, min. soil temp. 18˚c

Sow where:  Direct

Spacing:  Plants 15-20cm Rows 50cm

Position:  Full sun

Harvest:   70 -80 days

Seeds per package: 20

Bean Bush Blue Speckled Tepary - LifeForce Seeds
Bean Climbing, Blue Speckled Tepary


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