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Bean Broad, Aquadulce

Regular price
$1.80 AUD
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Sale price
$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Bean Broad,  Aquadulce (Vicia faba)

An early maturing variety that produces abundant large pods up to 25cm long. The hardiest of all broad beans. Excellent nutty flavour. Planting in late autumn to grow through winter.

Plant type:  Hardy, frost-tolerant annual

Sow when:  Autumn, Early Spring

Sow where:  Direct

Spacing:  Plants 50 cm Rows 70cm

Position:  Full sun

Harvest: 90 days

Seeds per package: 8

Bean Broad Aquadulce - LifeForce Seeds
Bean Broad, Aquadulce


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