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Cauliflower, Violet Sicilian

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$1.80 AUD
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$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Cauliflower, Violet Sicilian (B. oleracae)

Vigorous plant with broad, green-grey leaves and a beautiful violet head. The head turns green with cooking.

Purple varieties have more insect resistance, are easier to grow and the flavour is milder, sweeter, and nuttier than white cauliflowers. 

Plant type: Biennial

Sow when:  Late summer, early autumn/Spring

Sow where:  Punnets/Direct

Spacing x Height:  40cm x 50cm

Position:  Full sun

Harvest:   60-95 days.

Seeds per package: 100

Cauliflower, Violet Sicilian - LifeForce Seeds
Cauliflower, Violet Sicilian


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