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Corn Oaxaca Green

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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Corn, Oaxaca Green (Zea mays)

Corn type: Dent corn, also known as grain corn or field corn

This eye-catching green kernelled corn is native to Southern Mexico, near Oaxaca.  It has shades of green, from bronze tints to pea-green to emerald-green colours. Dried kernels are ground into unique green flour, which makes delicious cornbread, tortillas and tamales. Oaxacan Green corn has original nutty, rich and creamy flavours which are often lost in conventional varieties. Oaxacan Green corn should be picked when the outer husks have dried and become a dull shade of yellow.

Plant type:  Tender annual

Sow when:  Spring –Sum. min. soil temp 16˚c

Sow where:  Direct or punnet

Spacing x Height:  30cm x 2m

Position:  Full sun 

Harvest:   120 days  

Seeds per package: 20

Corn Oaxaca Green - LifeForce Seeds
Corn Oaxaca Green


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