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Land Cress

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$1.80 AUD
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$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Land Cress (Barbarea verna)

native to south-western Europe and has been cultivated as a leaf vegetable since the 17th century. It is a biennial herb and a member of Brassicaceae, the cabbage family while Watercress, Nasturtium officinale is a member of the nasturtium family. 

It requires less water than watercress and is easier to grow in any garden. It can be used in sandwiches, or salads, or cooked like spinach. High in vitamin A, C, and E and rich in antioxidants. 

Perfect companion plant /trap crop for cabbages and kale. The leaves are toxic for the cabbage white butterfly caterpillars.

Plant type:  Hardy Biennial

Sow when:  Spring – Autumn

Sow where:  Punnets/Direct

Spacing x Height:  20cm x 30cm

Position:  Full sun

Harvest:   45 days

Seeds per package: 400

Land Cress - LifeForce Seeds
Land Cress


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