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Lettuce Gustav Salad

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$1.80 AUD
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$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: Life Force Seeds


Lettuce, Gustav Salad

This tender melt-in-the-mouth butterhead type is a true Dutch heirloom variety from the southern isles, passionately bred for delicious flavour and texture. 

The true story of `Gustav Salad’ Gustav was a local from Southern Dutch isles, he grew his very own lettuce variety of melt-in-the-mouth butterhead. He went around his village with his bicycle that has a bucket filled with his lettuces, sharing them with the people of the village. He also shared his lettuce seeds with the locals and five years after his death in 2005, his daughter was given some of her father's lettuce.  A seed grower, our supplier, heard about Gustav's story and set about bringing his lettuce to the market. 

Plant type:  Hardy Annual

Sow when:  Autumn-Spring

Sow where:  Punnets

Spacing x Height:  20cm x 20cm

Position:  Part shade/Full sun

Harvest: 50 days


Seeds per package: 150

Lettuce Gustav Salad - LifeForce Seeds
Lettuce Gustav Salad


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