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Mexican Tarragon - Sweet Mace

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$1.80 AUD
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$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Mexican Tarragon - Sweet Mace (Tagetes lucida)

Leaves or flowers can be used as a herb or to infuse vinegar. Thrives in warmer climates where French tarragon will not grow. The flavour is a little stronger than the French, has a more anise flavour, and sweetly-scented yellow flowers last long until late summer to autumn.

Plant type: Annual

Sow when: Spring

Sow where: Punnets or direct

Spacing x Height:  20cm x 70cm

Position: Full sun

Growing days:  50 days

Seeds per package: 50

Mexican Tarragon - Sweet Mace - LifeForce Seeds
Mexican Tarragon - Sweet Mace


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