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Pak Choi

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$1.80 AUD
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$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Pak Choi (B. rapa)

 Pak Choi is a crisp, juicy, quick growing oriental vegetable, a close relative of the Chinese Cabbage,producing superb green leaves.

Plant type: Hardy Annual

Sow when:  All seasons

Sow where:  Punnets/Direct

Spacing x Height:  15cm x 20cm

Position:  Full sun

Harvest:   45 days.

Companion plants: Grown with red and white clover will ensure fewer aphids and white butterfly caterpillars due to interference in colonisation and more predators.

Growing Details: Soil rich in organic matter. Provide good drainage. Regular water. Mulch well.

Seeds per package: 150

Pak Choi - LifeForce Seeds
Pak Choi


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