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Perilla/Shiso, Korean Green

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$1.80 AUD
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$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Perilla/Shiso, Korean Green  (P. Frutescens)

Perilla Korean Green produces large rounded leaves with grassy with notes of anise or licorice flavour. It`s used as an edible wrapping to many dishes. Korean BBQ, Sushi, or Korean Pickled Perilla side dish. The flowers are a flavorful addition to salads and Asian dishes. 

This profoundly flavourful culinary herb is used across the south and east Asia and has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

Korean specialty, Pleasent aroma, and taste.
Used as a garnish, herb, or vegetable, cooked in stirfries or eaten raw as salad greens.

Plant Type:  Tender Annual

Sow when:  Spring-Summer

Sow where:  Punnets/Direct

Spacing x Height:  20cm x 50cm

Position:  Full sun

Days to harvest:  80- 90 days

 Seeds per package: 80

Perilla/Shiso, 'Korean Green' - LifeForce Seeds
Perilla/Shiso, Korean Green


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