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Rocket, Sylvetta

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$1.80 AUD
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$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Rocket, Sylvetta (Diplotaxis tenuifolia)

Also known as perennial wall-rocket. It has dark green, deeply serrated leaves with a rich, peppery flavor. Regular harvesting leaves will promote more fresh leaves. Perfect for pasta, fresh pizza topping, and salad.

Please cut back hard when plants are flowering to form seeds. Otherwise, they will spread seeds everywhere and grow like pesky perennial weeds.

Plant type:  Hardy perennial 

Sow when:  Spring – Autumn

Sow where:  Punnets/Direct

Spacing x Height:  40cm x 20cm 

Position:  Full sun/ Part shade

Harvest:   60days Pick and re-grow

Seeds per package: 200

Rocket, Sylvetta - LifeForce Seeds
Rocket, Sylvetta


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