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Saltwort, Okahijiki

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$1.90 AUD
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$1.90 AUD
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Vendor: Life Force Seeds


Saltwort, Okahijiki (Salsola komarovii)

Also known as land seaweed, Okahijiki grows on land (oka) but looks like seaweed (hijiki) Its Latin name, Salsola, means salty and it is a salt-tolerant plant although it doesn't require salt water to grow. The juicy crisp leaves have a lovely crunchy fresh texture and are edible raw or cooked. The raw leaves have a slightly peppery and salty flavour. 

Plant type:  Annual

Sow when:  Spring

Sow where:  Punnets or direct     

Spacing:  10- 20cm

Position:  Full sun

Harvest:   Harvest in bunches, when still small, older

plants can become woody.

Growing Details: Germination may be improved by soaking the seed for 24 hours prior to sowing. Germination takes 7-14 days at 23-26°C.

Seeds per package: 40

Saltwort, Okahijiki - LifeForce Seeds
Saltwort, Okahijiki


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