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Tomato, Costoluto Genovese

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$1.80 AUD
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$1.80 AUD
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Vendor: LifeForce Seeds


Tomato, Costoluto Genovese  

This vigorous vine sets masses of small to medium, deeply lobed, irregular fruit. A favorite since the early 19th century for robust, tangy, "tomatoey" sauces.

This 19th-century Italian heirloom is one of the best tomatoes for making sauces and cooking in general. The tomatoes are flat-rounded, brightly red, and heavily ripped, and the flavour is excellent. It is very tasty, hearty, and with high acidic content. This beauty is a real allrounder in the kitchen for canning, cooking, and juicing, and it tastes delicious in salads and on sandwiches, too.

Plant type:  Frost tender annual

Sow when:  Spring – min. soil temp 18˚c

Sow where:  Punnets

Spacing x Height:  60cm x 150cm

Position:  Full sun

Harvest:   90 days

Seeds per package: 20

Tomato, Costoluto Genoves - LifeForce Seeds
Tomato, Costoluto Genovese


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